The UK is one of the most generous nations in the world and the British public are now being asked to go one step further and open their homes to those fleeing the war in Ukraine.

The UK government is launching the “Homes for Ukraine” scheme. Hong Kong Link-Up are working with Ukrainian partners to pair Ukrainians with our British volunteers.

In solidarity with those suffering in Ukraine.

Our aim

  •          As an organisation with buddying up experiences, we see our responsibility to step up and accelerate the process for Ukrainian people to escape from this humanitarian crisis.

  •          We are inviting you to be a sponsor for our Ukrainian friends, who are looking for specific British sponsors. We intend to connect them with a suitable British household, establishing communication before their arrival, and helping them to settle and set up on arrival with accommodation and support. Once we make that initial connection, and they can identify you as their sponsor, they will be able to register through the “Homes for Ukraine” scheme

  •          At the moment, the Home Office is taking the responsibility of conducting the safe-guarding checks for both British and Ukrainians applicants. (As stated on the Home Office Website - “Those arriving will have met standard security checks. Sponsors will also be subject to checks.”)

             If you are interested in sponsoring a Ukrainian, please register with us. We are preparing as much as possible so that we can move quickly when the scheme begins. We will contact you as soon as we have made a suitable Ukrainian match.

             The situation is continuously evolving so we appreciate your patience through the process. It is not entirely clear what the government protocol is yet. They are due to announce more information on Friday 18th March. In the meantime, please register with us as well as the “Homes for Ukraine” scheme from Home Office:

How it works

  •          We are working with Ukrainian partners to match Ukrainians with Brits. We will attempt to pair you with Ukrainians hoping to seek refuge in the UK.

  •          Once we have made the connection you and your pairing will have to register via the governments ‘Homes For Ukraine’ website


  •          There are three ways for Ukrainians to use ‘Homes For Ukraine’ scheme. First is if they are connected to a family member already in the UK. Second is the government connecting Brits with Ukrainians. Third is if the Ukrainians can identify specific Brits for sponsorship. The service we are providing, primarily, is to make that third connection.

Ukraine Buddies Program

For Ukrainians - Interest in Sponsored by the UK

Для українців - інтерес до Спонсора Великобританії

We aim to connect you with the UK sponsors for your “Homes for Ukraine” visa application. After the approval,

Ми прагнемо зв’язати вас зі спонсорами Великобританії для оформлення візи «Дім для України». Після затвердження,

  1. 1. You’ll be granted 3 years' right to remain and the right to work in the UK.

  2. 1. вам буде надано право на 3 роки залишатися та право працювати у Великобританії.

  3. 2. you’ll be provided accommodation for 6 months in the UK, this might be in someone’s home or in a property they own.

  4. 2. вам нададуть житло на 6 місяців у Великій Британії, це може бути в чиємусь домі або у власній власності.

  5. 3. you’ll be provided access to some social welfare benefits.

  6. 3. вам буде надано доступ до деяких соціальних виплат.

Please apply for the visa through government website first, then register with us for matching you with a suitable UK sponsor.
Будь ласка, спочатку подайте заявку на отримання візи через державний веб-сайт, а потім зареєструйтеся у нас, щоб знайти відповідного спонсора Великобританії.


We use your personal information in accordance with our privacy notice and we won’t disclose your personal information to third parties apart from in accordance with our privacy notice.